Insurance for Homeowners renting out Holiday houses, self-contained units, B&Bs and Homestays

Posted in News
Published: 15/07/2020

We advise all of our Hosts to consider their insurance cover if they plan on renting out the whole house, guest rooms/suites or self-contained units to paying guests.

After nearly a decade of advising our Look After Me hosts – we realized that basic house insurance policy doesn't usually cover activities like renting out space or vehicles.

We have partnered with Chris Coughey from Sweeney Townsend who developed a new Insurance product especially for homeowners using platforms like Look After Me and AirBnB.

It is a comprehensive yet affordable Insurance Policy with specific wording tailored to hosts renting out their properties or vehicles. 

Insurance for home owners renting out accommodation on platforms like AirBnB and Look After me

Contact Chris Coughey for a quote.