Look After Me Newsletters http://lookafterme.co.nz/blog/newsletters Newsletters from Look After Me Wed, 19 Feb 2025 10:53:28 +1300 Newsletters en-nz info@lookafterme.co.nz Copyright 2025 2023: It really is time, to look after 'me' http://lookafterme.co.nz/article/2023-it-really-is-time-to-look-after-me January 2023: Newsletter

Phew! We made it through the festive season. 

But what if you are feeling a bit burnt out an broken from it all?

We're taught to serve others before self but if you feel like you are always looking after everyone else - for the rest of 2023, we're encouraging you to make brave new choices because it really is time to look after ME.

info@lookafterme.co.nz Tue, 03 Jan 2023 00:00:00 +1300 Newsletters
Great Write Away http://lookafterme.co.nz/article/great-write-away The Great Write Away

Writer's Workshop and Retreat


Monday 26th September -  Sunday 2 October 2022

Replays now available

Be the writer you've always wanted to be.

Tell the world something it needs to hear.

Single session, single and multi-day tickets for The Great Write Away  - our new Writer's Retreat and workshops in Rotorua are now available.

We have created a seven step programme covering the end-to-end process of creating a story, then editing, formating, publishing and marketing a story. 

With scheduled time for writing, learning and relaxing - it's a unique 'write-seeing' holiday retreat experience, created by writers, for writers.

info@lookafterme.co.nz Mon, 11 Apr 2022 00:00:00 +1200 Newsletters News Events NZ Creative Corner
January Newsletter 2020 - Happy New Year! http://lookafterme.co.nz/article/january-newsletter-2020-happy-new-year Accommodation, Look After Me, New Zealand Homestay, Bed and Breakfast, Digital Hotel, Creative Journeys, Great Write In

It's the beginning of a new year and time to say a big thank you to YOU, our wonderful guests! You've believed in our special brand of hospitality and unique B&B providers. We are so grateful for you and look forward to sharing with you the great opportunities and improvements we have in store for the New Year!


info@lookafterme.co.nz Tue, 07 Jan 2020 00:00:00 +1300 Newsletters
April Newsletter 2019 - Kiwis Looking After Kiwis http://lookafterme.co.nz/article/april-newsletter-2019-kiwis-looking-after-kiwis Accommodation, New Zealand Homestay, Look After Me, Bed and Breakfast, Digital Hotel

In 2013, New Zealand was voted number one in the world, for how we treat our visitors. 

In 2019, if the world was to vote again, I suspect we would also be voted No 1 for how we look after each other. Hasn't it been heart-warming to see how New Zealanders have united?



info@lookafterme.co.nz Tue, 14 May 2019 00:00:00 +1200 Newsletters
February Newsletter 2019 - Home Sweet Homestay http://lookafterme.co.nz/article/february-newsletter-2019-home-sweet-homestay Accommodation, Look After Me, New Zealand Homestay, Bed and BreakfastIn 2011 when we launched Look After Me, ahead of the Rugby World Cup, I was told that no one would ever want to stay in anyone else's home, in exchange for money. 

I'm glad I didn't listen to that advice because we've proven it wrong. Our hosts have now looked after over 16,300 guests - mostly spare rooms that guests have booked for short-term accommodation. 

info@lookafterme.co.nz Tue, 16 Apr 2019 00:00:00 +1200 Newsletters
March Newsletter 2018 - Looking After You http://lookafterme.co.nz/article/march-newsletter-2018-looking-after-you Ed Sheeran, Look After Me, Accommodation, New Zealand Homestay, Bed and BreakfastA few weeks ago we launched the World's First Digital Hotel, called 'Stay Dunedin'.

It's basically a website, where guests can browse, book and pay for accommodation, just like they would on Agoda, Bookings.com and AirBnB. It's mobile friendly and takes all major credit cards.

At this stage, this is just a trial run for Dunedin. But if this new way of finding and sharing accommodation works, we'll migrate the rest of our Look After Me properties into this new Digital Hotel format. 

info@lookafterme.co.nz Wed, 28 Mar 2018 00:00:00 +1300 Newsletters
June Newsletter 2017 - Let Look After Me Look After You http://lookafterme.co.nz/article/june-newsletter-2017-let-look-after-me-look-after-you Look After Me, Accommodation, New Zealand Homestay, Bed and BreakfastTravelling? 

Getting a bit sick of the same ol', same ol'? 

Would you like to try something a bit 'different'? 

Have you heard of 'Homestay for Grown-ups'? 

info@lookafterme.co.nz Fri, 30 Jun 2017 00:00:00 +1200 Newsletters
August Newsletter 2016 - Go Somewhere You've Always Wanted to Go http://lookafterme.co.nz/article/august-newsletter-2016-go-somewhere-youve-always-wanted-to-go Look After Me, Accommodation, New Zealand Homestay, Bed and BreakfastWinter-itis? 

Me too....

Don't you wish you could escape for a few days?

Wouldn't it be nice to have something to look forward to?

info@lookafterme.co.nz Wed, 31 Aug 2016 00:00:00 +1200 Newsletters
Summer Events Accommodation for 2015 http://lookafterme.co.nz/article/summer-events-accommodation-for-2015 Look After Me, Accommodation, New Zealand Homestay, Bed and Breakfast

Helping you find affordable accommodation at your favourite event this summer

Don't you just love a great event?! We support most major events around NZ. Coming soon are Raggamuffin, Art Deco, WOMAD, Bike Fest and Balloons over Waikato.

Why not stay with friendly Look After Me hosts? They're mostly kiwis just like you. We match you with people who 'get you' and love what you're into to. Hey...they may even be going to the same event!

info@lookafterme.co.nz Thu, 01 Jan 2015 00:00:00 +1300 Newsletters
Autumn Newsletter 2014 - Event Accommodation http://lookafterme.co.nz/article/autumn-newsletter-2014-event-accommodation Look After Me, Accommodation, Bed and Breakfast, New Zealand HomestayAt 'Look After Me' we help you find accommodation that best suits who, how and why you're travelling. 

We know that Businesswomen have different needs to Grandmas travelling with the grandies. If you are travelling by yourself, you'll probably appreciate their local knowledge over a glass of wine with your Homestay hosts.  

No matter who you are, or why you need to get away, we match you with Hosts who love doing what you love doing. It's ok to be mad-keen-crazy about fishing, golf, cycling, walking, photography, Harleys - we've got you covered!  We'll do our best to find people you're bound to get along with. 

info@lookafterme.co.nz Mon, 24 Mar 2014 00:00:00 +1300 Newsletters
Christmas Newsletter - December 2013 - Take your hobby on holiday http://lookafterme.co.nz/article/christmas-newsletter-december-2013-take-your-hobby-on-holiday Accommodation, Look After Me, New Zealand Homestay, Bed and BreakfastIt's not too late to book a holiday and take your hobby, sport or passion with you.

Stay with friendly kiwis just like you who 'get you' and love what you're into to. We offer affordable self-contained units, and in-home hosting with like-minded people.

info@lookafterme.co.nz Tue, 17 Dec 2013 00:00:00 +1300 Newsletters
Autumn Newsletter - March 2013 - You've got Easter Accommodation sorted right? http://lookafterme.co.nz/article/autumn-newsletter-march-2013-youve-got-easter-accommodation-sorted-right

Look After Me, New Zealand Homestay, Accommodation, Bed and BreakfastHands up who is looking forward to the Easter Break?

You've got it sorted right? Bookings made, easter eggs bought, animals arranged to be fed?

Nah...me either! If you're a real 'last minute Charlie' like me, and you're still humming and haa-ing about what to do for accommodation this Easter , we can help. We've been putting together some of our best 'Holiday ideas' to ensure you keep making the most of this fabulous summer we're having (sorry Farmers).


info@lookafterme.co.nz Fri, 15 Mar 2013 00:00:00 +1300 Newsletters
Summer Newsletter - February 2013 - Accommodation in Christchurch http://lookafterme.co.nz/article/summer-newsletter-february-2013-accommodation-in-christchurch Hi,
I'm Julia from Look After Me - NZ's Homestay Network. I'm originally from Christchurch and all my family still lives there - so I'm acutely aware of how things are for regular Cantabrians.

We're trying to do our 'bit' by providing a quality website where home owners can list their property and rent out their spare room or sleep out, short-term to guests coming to Christchurch.

If you're a home owner with a spare room, guest wing, sleep-out or self-contained unit - we'd love to have you in our Look After Me Hosting community. It works like Trade Me where guests can browse for in-home hosted accommodation and then contact you directly to book and pay.

info@lookafterme.co.nz Fri, 22 Feb 2013 00:00:00 +1300 Newsletters
Summer Newsletter - December 2012 http://lookafterme.co.nz/article/summer-newsletter-december-2012 Look After Me, Accommodation, New Zealand Homestay, Bed and BreakfastA very warm welcome to you all but especially to our new hosts all over New Zealand. Lot of news this time with the launch of our new webite, our refreshed brand and lots of Press Coverage all over New Zealand.

info@lookafterme.co.nz Sat, 01 Dec 2012 00:00:00 +1300 Newsletters
Summer Newsletter 2011 http://lookafterme.co.nz/article/summer-newsletter-2011


With BBQs and bubbles too, and tui’s chortled chase, flowers’ full bloom and beaming moon, pohutukawa haze….

The promise of sun-drenched days, the richness of quality friendships and a glass of quality NZ wine does much to lighten the mood. 


In this issue:


info@lookafterme.co.nz Sun, 18 Dec 2011 00:00:00 +1300 Newsletters
Spring Newsletter - September 2011 http://lookafterme.co.nz/article/spring-newsletter-september-2011  

Look After Me, Accommodation, New Zealand Homestay, Bed and BreakfastWe are thrilled to bring the Look After Me ‘concept’ of Hospitality, Harmony and Memories to New Zealand’s homes and traveller’s everywhere.

info@lookafterme.co.nz Sat, 17 Sep 2011 00:00:00 +1200 Newsletters