Look After Me News http://lookafterme.co.nz/blog/news News from Look After Me Wed, 19 Feb 2025 11:13:18 +1300 News en-nz info@lookafterme.co.nz Copyright 2025 Thee Write Away - Writers Retreats New Zealand http://lookafterme.co.nz/article/thee-write-away-writers-retreats-new-zealand #Thee Write Away - Writers Retreat New Zealand, Rotorua 2023 and 2024

Thee Write Away - Writer's Retreat in New Zealand,  RotoruaNEW: Thee Write Away - Writers Retreats in New Zealand

Introducing Thee Write Away - where you design your own special retreat experience.

Lose the crowds in this fully customisable writer's retreat in Rotorua, the heart of the Hot Tub Valley, New Zealand

Created by writers for writers  - our retreats are designed with your personal wellness in mind. Ideal for singles, couples or small groups. 

Next Group Dates: starting 14 October 2024 or pick your own date.

info@lookafterme.co.nz Wed, 17 May 2023 00:00:00 +1200 News Creative Corner Events NZ Baby Boomers NZ
Interests and Activities http://lookafterme.co.nz/article/interests-and-activities Choose interests like golf pottery walking art wine and foodSearch accommodation based on your interests.

Write, cycle, walk, play golf, sample wine, take photos, sing, sail, fish or swim.  

Isn't it time to look after me?


info@lookafterme.co.nz Mon, 01 May 2023 00:00:00 +1200 Creative Corner News Cycling Holidays Baby Boomers NZ
Great Write Inn - Dunedin http://lookafterme.co.nz/article/great-write-inn-dunedin The Great Write Inn - Writers Events in DunedinThe Great Write Inn is a Literary Workshop for writers.

We have two events coming up in Dunedin October 2023 'book-eding' the Dunedin Writer and Reader's Festival.

The Great Write Inn - Romance at Olveston Historic Home or The Great Write Inn @ Larnarch's Castle on Monday 16th of October 2023.

Find your tribe. 

Free your voice.

Tell your story!


info@lookafterme.co.nz Tue, 04 Apr 2023 00:00:00 +1200 Creative Corner News Events NZ
Great Write Away http://lookafterme.co.nz/article/great-write-away The Great Write Away

Writer's Workshop and Retreat


Monday 26th September -  Sunday 2 October 2022

Replays now available

Be the writer you've always wanted to be.

Tell the world something it needs to hear.

Single session, single and multi-day tickets for The Great Write Away  - our new Writer's Retreat and workshops in Rotorua are now available.

We have created a seven step programme covering the end-to-end process of creating a story, then editing, formating, publishing and marketing a story. 

With scheduled time for writing, learning and relaxing - it's a unique 'write-seeing' holiday retreat experience, created by writers, for writers.

info@lookafterme.co.nz Mon, 11 Apr 2022 00:00:00 +1200 Newsletters News Events NZ Creative Corner
Great Write Inn http://lookafterme.co.nz/article/great-write-inn The Great Write Inn - a *Portal* for Writers

Masterclasses, creative exercises and step-by-step guides and templates for the DIY Writer. 

Looking for some inspiration to ignite your passion as a story teller?

Want the thrill of a writer's festival hearing from the best tutors without the anxiety of large, live events?

Fancy learning at learn at your own pace, in the privacy of your own home?

info@lookafterme.co.nz Tue, 22 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +1300 Events NZ News
New Tourism Concept unveiled at TRENZ Hui Otautahi-Christchurch http://lookafterme.co.nz/article/new-tourism-concept-unveiled-at-trenz-hui-otautahi-christchurch HIlary Barry at TRENZ ChristchurchNZ #TRENZHui21A fresh, collborative, community-led approach has breathed life into a new Tourism Concept.

The concept is a fusion between traditional hotels and cloud-based software.

It provides singles, couples and small groups with a clean, safe and more regenerative way to travel.

info@lookafterme.co.nz Sun, 09 May 2021 00:00:00 +1200 Press Room Baby Boomers NZ News
How to Choose the Right Host For You http://lookafterme.co.nz/article/how-to-choose-the-right-host-for-you Accommodation, Look After Me, New Zealand Homestay, Bed and BreakfastIt can be tough to choose between all the great hosts and accomodations we have available on Look After Me. Here's three top things to think about when you're choosing a host!

info@lookafterme.co.nz Tue, 09 Feb 2021 00:00:00 +1300 Baby Boomers NZ News
Slow is the new Go for Holiday Package Winners http://lookafterme.co.nz/article/slow-is-the-new-go-for-holiday-package-winners Zonta Festival of Gardens Rotorua Prize winner of pamper me package Julia Anne Look After Me Accommodation Jemma and Philip McDonald welcomed the Holiday Season with an extra special gift under the Christmas Tree this year.

They were winners of the Major Raffle Prize for The Festival in the Gardens fundraising event presented by the Zonta Club of Rotorua, held at Palmers in late 2020.

The prize draw was sponsored by local Accommodation and Events company Look After Me. 

info@lookafterme.co.nz Tue, 12 Jan 2021 00:00:00 +1300 News Press Room Competitions
Soak and Cycle http://lookafterme.co.nz/article/soak-and-cycle #Soak&Cycle - Holiday Packages in Rotorua with Hot Pools, cycling and accommodation options

Rejuvenate your mind, body and soul. Soothing thermal springs for deep relaxation.

Be nurtured by nature - fresh forests, tranquil lakes, mesmerising hot springs.

Leisure, family and hard-out mountain bike trails for all kinds of cycling.

#SoakCycle #Soak&Cycle


info@lookafterme.co.nz Mon, 17 Aug 2020 00:00:00 +1200 Cycling Holidays Baby Boomers NZ News
Insurance for Homeowners renting out Holiday houses, self-contained units, B&Bs and Homestays http://lookafterme.co.nz/article/insurance-for-homeowners-renting-out-holiday-houses-self-contained-units-b-bs-and-homestays Home hosting Insurance for New Zealanders on AirbnB Are you a Homeowner who offers accommodation to paying guests?

Sweeney Townsend have develope a new Insurance product especially for you.

Comprehensive yet affordable Insurance Policy with specific wording tailored to hosts renting out their properties or vehicles. 

info@lookafterme.co.nz Wed, 15 Jul 2020 00:00:00 +1200 News
Self Contained Units in Rotorua - affordable Holiday accommodation http://lookafterme.co.nz/article/self-contained-units-in-rotorua-affordable-holiday-accommodation Self-contained unit button to select holiday accommodation for the Soak and Cycle Package in RotoruaSelf-contained units in Rotorua are ideal for couples or two people travelling together.

Exceptional value, fasdiously clean and great for people who wish to prepare their own meals while on holiday. 

info@lookafterme.co.nz Wed, 08 Apr 2020 00:00:00 +1200 Cycling Holidays Baby Boomers NZ News
Our Awards http://lookafterme.co.nz/article/our-awards Lightening Lab - Tourism -Look After Me - Finalist 2020Founded in 2011, ahead of the Rugby World Cup, Look After Me has won or been a finalist in highly sought after industry awards, often beating out much bigger competitors. These awards reflect our commitment to you, our guests and our hosts. Through these Awards we celebrate the passion our team has for upholding the very best of hospitality in New Zealand. 


info@lookafterme.co.nz Sat, 23 Nov 2019 00:00:00 +1300 News
The Big (Bad Wolf?) Bed Tax Debate http://lookafterme.co.nz/article/the-big-bad-wolf-bed-tax-debate We hosted a debate on the possible Bed Tax that may be applied across the industry. It was open to home-owners, hoteliers, local businesses, government officials, and anyone interested in bettering New Zealand.

info@lookafterme.co.nz Thu, 10 Oct 2019 00:00:00 +1300 News Press Room
Accommodation for Major Events in Dunedin http://lookafterme.co.nz/article/accommodation-for-major-events-in-dunedin Accommodation for all major events in Dunedin 2018This is going to be a huge year for Dunedin with many talented sportsmen and artists performing at Forsyth Barr Stadium. With a whole range of different events, there will be something for everyone!

If you are planning on coming to any of these events check out the details below and book your accommodation early on our new mobile-friendly website www.staydunedin.com

info@lookafterme.co.nz Tue, 01 May 2018 00:00:00 +1200 News
Ed Sheeran Concerts - Look After Me provides accommodation for Dunedin concerts March 2018 http://lookafterme.co.nz/article/ed-sheeran-concerts-look-after-me-provides-accommodation-for-dunedin-concerts-march-2018 Ed Sheeran Dunedin accommodation official partner Look After Me March 2018, Ed Sheeran, Look After Me, Digital Hotel, New Zealand Homestay, Bed and BreakfastNationwide accommodation network, Look After Me is helping fans going to the New Zealand Ed Sheeran concerts.

Director Dr Julia Charity who founded the company just ahead of the 2011 Rugby World Cup said they were delighted to be helping with the three Auckland and two Dunedin shows in March 2018.


info@lookafterme.co.nz Mon, 22 May 2017 00:00:00 +1200 News
The benefits of homestay accommodation in New Zealand http://lookafterme.co.nz/article/the-benefits-of-homestay-accommodation-in-new-zealand budget hosted accommodation with Look After Me NZ's Homestay Network

Why choose commercial accommodation when you can have the luxury of staying with friendly hosts at a homestay property?

Now Nationwide, New Zealand's Homestay Network has properties in beach, lake, bush and city locations all over New Zealand. It is helping pioneer the Sharing Economy in New Zealand and offers a small, boutique local experience.


info@lookafterme.co.nz Wed, 12 Apr 2017 00:00:00 +1200 Events NZ News
To B&B or not to B&B? That is the Question! http://lookafterme.co.nz/article/to-b-b-or-not-to-b-b-that-is-the-question

By Monica Lewis

Traveling incites some wonderful sayings. One of my favourite quotes is this;

The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.”

I couldn’t agree more and personally I’d like to read all the pages and see the greenest of grass on the other side. But even if you have retired we may have the time to travel, there is the sordid question of the 'means'.

When one grows-up, intrepid travel does seem less romantic. Sleeping in a tent or in bunk beds in a dormitory loses its appeal for some of us and understandably so. There are the physical restrictions once the bones have gone weary. 

info@lookafterme.co.nz Thu, 15 Dec 2016 00:00:00 +1300 News Baby Boomers NZ Competitions Press Room
About the idea http://lookafterme.co.nz/article/about-the-idea Look After Me - New Zealand's online market place for homestays and accommodation. A pioneer in the Sharing Economy and key driver for change in the tourism industry for New Zealand

Is Look After Me good for New Zealand? What do some on New Zealand's leading business people and key influencers think about the idea? 

info@lookafterme.co.nz Wed, 19 Oct 2016 00:00:00 +1300 News Surveys
Five reasons to celebrate five years of start-up - Look After Me birthday celebrations http://lookafterme.co.nz/article/five-reasons-to-celebrate-five-years-of-start-up-look-after-me-birthday-celebrations Look After Me Accommodation Network - 5th birthday. Rotorua Entrepreneur Julia Charity celebrates five years of business For each of the five candles on her technology start-up company’s birthday cake, founder Dr Julia Charity has a reason to celebrate.

Charity’s company, ‘Look After Me’ launched in July 2011, ahead of the Rugby World Cup. It is an on-line market place that sells accommodation for short-term stays all over New Zealand.

info@lookafterme.co.nz Thu, 21 Jul 2016 00:00:00 +1200 News Press Room
Photography workshops help small tourism businesses keep their edge http://lookafterme.co.nz/article/photography-workshops-help-small-tourism-businesses-keep-their-edge Mead Norton Look AFter Me B&B Photography workshop 1Two local businesses have welcomed Prime Minister and Minister of Tourism John Key’s announcement that the Government would invest an extra $20 million over four years in tourism projects, by working together on a project to benefit the smaller tourism players. 

info@lookafterme.co.nz Mon, 16 May 2016 00:00:00 +1200 News
Flexible hours perk of remote work for Rotorua Entrepreneur http://lookafterme.co.nz/article/flexible-hours-perk-of-remote-work-for-rotorua-entrepreneur Julia Charity Rotorua based Entrepreneur and Founder of Look After Me - New Zealand's Accommodation and Homestay Network works from home and enjoys the flexibility it provides

Recent research shows at least 70 per cent of Kiwis want to work remotely or at least telecommute part-time. Some Rotorua residents tell us how they’ve made the shift from corporate life to the world of working from home.

info@lookafterme.co.nz Sat, 23 Apr 2016 00:00:00 +1200 News
On-line accommodation market place - finalist in New Zealand's Innovators Awards http://lookafterme.co.nz/article/on-line-accommodation-market-place-finalist-in-new-zealands-innovators-awards Book Accommodation all over New Zealand - Look After Me - New Zealand's on-line accommodation market place specialising in home hosting and Bed and Breakfasts. New Zealand's alternative to AirBnB Look After Me - online accommodation market place has been judged as one of New Zealand's Innovative companies, securing a place as Finalist in the Marketing and Communications Category. 


info@lookafterme.co.nz Wed, 21 Oct 2015 00:00:00 +1300 Competitions News Press Room
Impressive Pitch wins Entrepreneur Award at Rotorua X Start-up night http://lookafterme.co.nz/article/impressive-pitch-wins-entrepreneur-award-at-rotorua-x-start-up-night

Rotorua Entrepeneur Julia Charity wins Start Up Pitch Awards

Disabled Diving NZ's Hielke Oppers inspired the 100 plus crowd and the judges to win both Best Social Enterprise Pitch and the People's Choice Award at Rotorua X's Start-up Pitch night.

Julia Charity's 'Look After Me' accommodation business, won Best Commercial Pitch at the event, held this week.

Both took a share of the $8000 prize pool of business support services, mentoring and training.

info@lookafterme.co.nz Fri, 09 Oct 2015 00:00:00 +1300 Press Room News
"Small business heroes show courage and ingenuity" http://lookafterme.co.nz/article/small-business-heroes-show-courage-and-ingenuity Accommodation online, Look After Me, Small business heroes show courage and ingenuity

Two Rotorua businesses have been named as national finalists in The David Awards for 2015.

Ros Morshead, of Morshead Law is a finalist in the ‘Most Outstanding Lifestyle Business’ for her work in epitomising the ability to use technology to integrate business and lifestyle.

Dr Julia Charity who founded Look After Me – an online market place for accommodation all over New Zealand, is a finalist for ‘The Solo Meo Award’ which recognises a business owner who runs their business single-handedly.

Look After Me is also a finalist for the ‘Most Outstanding Triumph over Adversity’ in recognition for success in spite of challenges beyond the usual.

info@lookafterme.co.nz Wed, 30 Sep 2015 00:00:00 +1300 Press Room News
'Look After Me - New Zealand's Hospitality at it's best? http://lookafterme.co.nz/article/look-after-me-new-zealands-hospitality-at-its-best Julia Charity Rotorua Inteview Rotorua City News, Talks about AirBnB New ZealandRotorua City News spoke recently to Julia Charity, Founder of Look After Me, New Zealand's accommodation network.

Julia explains why Look After Me specialy describes how the local council has got behind her and discusses inplications for the tourism industry of New Zealand.

What follows is the transcript of the interview. 

To go straight to the interview click here.

info@lookafterme.co.nz Mon, 24 Aug 2015 00:00:00 +1200 News Press Room
FAWC Festival 6-15 November (Food and Wine Classic, Hawke's Bay) http://lookafterme.co.nz/article/fawc-festival-6-15-november-food-and-wine-classic-hawkes-bay fawc food wine hawkes bay accommodation home hosting homestay The Hawke's Bay is gearing up to showcase the Food and Wine Classic (FAWC) , a 10 day festival of gluttony. With over 50 events planned, from wine tasting to hummus making, picnics on the Parade and Scottish music.

info@lookafterme.co.nz Wed, 19 Aug 2015 00:00:00 +1200 Events NZ Baby Boomers NZ News
Becoming a host with Look After Me http://lookafterme.co.nz/article/becoming-a-host-with-look-after-me By Monica Louis

What to do, once you’ve withdrawn from the daily duty of putting bread on the table? Have you ever wondered about turning your home into your business?

A wonderful Robert Palmer song sums it up in the opening line; “the fight to make ends meet keep a man on his feet” (click to hear the song)

Despite our moaning about the traffic when we were obliged to travel to the office every day - maybe now we miss it! Without the deadlines and obligations which in turn give the drive to get started in the morning; what to do with all that available time?  Sure for some there are family demands, clubs or volunteer commitments that help fill the day but those activities take up time and money and give back – let’s say - a non-material return on investment . For some of us the chance to make a bit of pocket money while doing something we love doesn’t sound so bad. 

info@lookafterme.co.nz Wed, 19 Aug 2015 00:00:00 +1200 Baby Boomers NZ Press Room News
Q&A: Look After Me founder Julia Charity http://lookafterme.co.nz/article/q-a-look-after-me-founder-julia-charity Q&A Session With New Zealand entrepreneur Dr. Julia Charity.  She talks with Caitlin Sykes about the online marketplace.

Published in Business section of the New Zealand Herald.

info@lookafterme.co.nz Wed, 10 Jun 2015 00:00:00 +1200 News Press Room
Car sharing business 'part of transport solution' http://lookafterme.co.nz/article/car-sharing-business-part-of-transport-solution As a student of transport engineering Oscar Ellison was aware there were lots of cars sitting idle in driveways, but the point was further hit home when he bought his own first car.

info@lookafterme.co.nz Tue, 09 Jun 2015 00:00:00 +1200 Press Room News
Few Spaces Remain As Fieldays near http://lookafterme.co.nz/article/few-spaces-remain-as-fieldays-near Accommodation is filling up as farmers and football fans prepare to pour into Hamilton next week.

An overlap of Fieldays and the Fifa U-20s World Cup has seen much of the accommodation snapped up, but there are still some rooms remaining in the city's motel sector. 

info@lookafterme.co.nz Thu, 04 Jun 2015 00:00:00 +1200 Press Room News
Waikato Homeowners opening up hearts and homes for Fieldays http://lookafterme.co.nz/article/waikato-homeowners-opening-up-hearts-and-homes-for-fieldays Waikato homeowners are being urged to embrace NZ’s farming community as they pour into the city and help bridge the shortfall in beds needed for Fieldays, the Southern hemisphere's largest agricultural showpiece festival coming to Mystery Creek and FIFA U20 World cup this month.

info@lookafterme.co.nz Wed, 03 Jun 2015 00:00:00 +1200 Press Room News
10 questions with Tourism Entrepreneur – Julia Charity http://lookafterme.co.nz/article/10-questions-with-tourism-entrepreneur-julia-charity New Zealand Rotorua Entrepreneur Julia Charity on line accommodation Network Look After Me peer- to peer platformThis month, NZ Entrepreneur Magazine talks to Dr Julia Charity – Founder of a Peer-to-Peer accommodation platform where guests can book accommodation with like minded hosts.  Now the largest and fastest growing Homestay Network in New Zealand, we ask Julia how she got started, what it’s really like to be an Entrepreneur in New Zealand and her hopes and dreams for the future.

info@lookafterme.co.nz Fri, 29 May 2015 00:00:00 +1200 Press Room News
Gallivant with the Grandies http://lookafterme.co.nz/article/gallivant-with-the-grandies Grandparents, Look After Me, Home hosted accommodation, Ever taken one of your special 'grandies' on holiday with you?  Grans and Gramps will either groan or glee at the prospect....but even a single night away can create such special memories and strengthen the connection between generations.

It's now the school holidays and that's the perfect excuse to take one or two of your grandkids away and really have a wonderful time together.

info@lookafterme.co.nz Fri, 03 Apr 2015 00:00:00 +1300 Baby Boomers NZ News
Women shown entrepreneurial path http://lookafterme.co.nz/article/women-shown-entrepreneurial-path Women in business, Homestay Network, Scientist-turned-businesswoman, Julia Charity , Rotorua entrepreneurScientist-turned-businesswoman says you have to know how long your runway is.

Rotorua scientist-turned-entrepreneur Julia Charity led a panel discussion of seven prominent Kiwi businesswomen to launch a female entrepreneur week.

info@lookafterme.co.nz Thu, 19 Mar 2015 00:00:00 +1300 News Press Room
Wherever you lay your bat, that's your home - accommodation for the Cricket World Cup 2015 http://lookafterme.co.nz/article/wherever-you-lay-your-bat-thats-your-home-accommodation-for-the-cricket-world-cup-2015 ICC cricket world cup, NZ homestay, accommodation, Home hosted

With the Cricket World Cup 2015 underway, the seven host cities are expected to reach full capacity. Backpackers, hotels and motels are being snapped up as thousands of supporters from around the world support one of the biggest sporting events in the world.


info@lookafterme.co.nz Wed, 18 Feb 2015 00:00:00 +1300 News Press Room
New Zealand Cycle Trails, Hobbit Tours and Farmstays feature in European Video http://lookafterme.co.nz/article/new-zealand-cycle-trails-hobbit-tours-and-farmstays-feature-in-european-video Bedycasa world tour, tour of New Zealand, Homestay, Accomodation, New Zealand lifestyle, New Zealand Home hosted accommodation

Recently we published a blog from European Film Makers Natalie and Mael’s journey to Rotorua. Today we are following another couple Rafa& Veronica who also work for bedycasa. We will be following their trip to through Matamata, Te Aroha & Cambridge.

info@lookafterme.co.nz Wed, 14 Jan 2015 00:00:00 +1300 News Cycling Holidays Hobbit Tours & Accommodation