
What Our Guests Say


We've hosted over 27,000 guests.

Hear what our guests have to say about their experience staying with Look After Me

Watch the Video.


 Read testamonials from our guests




What our Hosts say


Hosting with Look After Me is a great way to meet new people while earning money from guest rooms and houses.

We've helped over 650 hosts make money from their under-utilised assetts. 

Watch the video or

Read testimonials from our Hosts



About the Idea


People are excited about how Look After Me approaches travelling, accommodation, and Kiwi hospitality

Watch the Video or

Read what people say about Look After Me




What the media says

We're real people, with real places. We appreciate the opportunity to share our stories with New Zealanders through the media. Every story is researched and thoughtfully told with authenticity and integrity. 

View our press room







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